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2009年10月24日 星期六


這陣子在某電影台的早上重複看了二次電影"真善美",這部電影(The Sound of Music)」改編自故事女主角瑪利亞1949年的真人真事傳記「The Story of The Trapp Family Singers」,在台灣也有翻譯書,也因為很認真的看了電影,聽了每一首歌,我從音樂櫃上把這片cd再找出來,發現這部電影的插曲都非常"激勵人心"(除了DO RE MI和THE LONELY GOATHERD),特別是下面這首~
開店近半年餘,很感謝各親友團(爸爸 媽媽 弟弟 妹妹 堂哥 堂妹 表哥 表妹 叔叔 阿姨..族繁不及備載啦!)和各位好友的關照和造訪,今午表弟帶著他甜美有氣質的老婆造訪,還把小店照片PO上他的部落格http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/yosku_fu/article?mid=5693&prev=-1&next=5673我真心感謝,也祈願主能保守你(妳)們的家


往後的日子將如何?我不知道… What will this day be like, I wonder…
未來會變得怎樣?我不知道… What will my future be, I wonder…
說不定會很刺激 It could be so exciting
在廣大的世界裡自由自在 To be out in the world, to be free.
我一顆心應該會雀躍不已… My heart should be wildly rejoicing…
喔—我究竟怎麼回事? Oh, what's the matter with me?
我成天期盼的就是冒險 I've always longed for adventure
嘗試以前不敢做的事! To do the things I've never dared,
我正為此滿心歡喜 And here I'm pleasing adventure
為何又會膽怯? Then why am I so scared?
養了七個孩子的海軍隊長 A captain with seven children
有啥可怕的? What's so fearsome about that?
我千萬不能再自尋煩惱 Oh, I must stop these doubts all these worries,
不然我一定馬上打道回府 If I don't I just know I'll turn back.
我得努力想想我在追尋的目標… I must dream of the things I am seeking
尋找我所欠缺的勇氣 I am seeking the courage I lack
讓他們信賴的勇氣 The courage to serve them with reliance
坦然面對犯下的過錯 Face my mistakes without defiance
告訴他們—我值得一試 Show them I'm worthy
在此同時 And while I show them,
也告訴自己 I'll show me
讓他們出題考我吧! So let them bring on all their problems
我會盡力再盡力 I'll do better than my best
我有信心 I have confidence
即便他們處處刁難 They'll put me to the test,
我要讓他們知道 But I'll make them see
我對自己有信心! I have confidence in me.
我定能讓他們留下好印象 Somehow I will impress them
我會堅定但仁慈 I will be firm but kind
至於那群小毛頭— And all those children –
老天保祐 Heaven bless them –
他們會正眼瞧我 They will look up to me,
也在意我… And mind me.
我幾乎肯定所走的每一步路 With each step I'm almost certain,
所有事都會順利美滿 Everything will turn out fine.
我有信心 I have confidence,
世界在我掌握之中 The world can all be mine.
他們得同意 They'll have to agree
我對自己有信心 I have confidence in me
我對陽光有信心 I have confidence in sunshine
我對小雨有信心 I have confidence in rain
我有信心 I have confidence
春天會重臨 That spring will come again
除此之外 Besides which you see
我更對自己有信心! I have confidence in me
力量不會藏在數字裡 Strength doesn't lie in numbers
力量不會藏在財富裡 Strength doesn't lie in wealth
力量藏在夜半 Strength lies in nights
甜美的酣睡中 Of peaceful slumbers,
當一覺睡醒 When you wake up,
醒來! Wake up!精神百倍 It's healthy.
我全心全意信任 All I trust I leave my heart to,
問題定會迎刃而解 All I trust becomes my own,
我對自己的信心有信心 I have confidence in confidence alone,
我對自己的信心 I have confidence
很有信心 In confidence alone,
除此之外 Besides which you see
我更對自己有信心! I have confidence in me!
